Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Do you have a showroom?
Yes! All of our games are on display at 139 Caldwell St. in Downtown Rock Hill, SC 29730. Our showroom is open without appointment, Monday through Saturday, from 11a.m. until 8p.m.
Question: Is delivery Available?
At this time, we do not offer delivery. Games may be transported on their backs, and we can load them in your vehicle for you for free!
Question: What is this Christmas Special?
Many people buy arcade games for Christmas presents, or around the holidays since people spend more time indoors in the winter. We want to help you do that. Every year, we run a Christmas special, which essentially is, from now until Christmas, take $50 off any 1 game purchase, and take $150 off any two game purchase. Merry Christmas!
Question: What do I do if the game breaks?
Believe it or not, in a home use environment, most arcade games rarely break. If you do have trouble, though, we can direct you over the phone how to fix minor issues, we can repair any game we've sold at our shop in downtown Rock Hill!
Question: Do the games take quarters, or can I play them for free?
Most games are set up to accept quarters, but almost all can be set via an internal menu to play for free. This is called "Freeplay" and is usually just as simple as flipping a switch. Some of the classic games do not have a freeplay mode, but a switch can be added to the cabinet to add credits easily without actually dropping quarters through. Plus, remember you have the keys to the game to remove the money!
Question: Do you have Pinball Machines?
We do have a few pinball machines, but due to the complexity of the machines and the cost involved, we don't have as extensive an inventory. We typically don't carry largely expensive games, ruling out most of the newer pinball machines which can be worth several thousand dollars!
Question: Do you repair games?
We do repairs on games we have sold if you ever have an issue, and also repairs on a case by case basis on machines bought elsewhere. Contact us for info on your repair.
Question: Can you get a game I request?
We can find some games that customers ask for, in general we steer clear of highly collectible and expensive games though such as Tempest, Zookeeper, etc. due to the high cost; we just don't really want to sell games that cost thousands of dollars!
Question: Can I 'change' the game inside my cabinet like a home game system?
We actually get this question a lot; in general, most games cannot easily be changed into another game. There are certain systems that were released, such as the Neo-Geo arcade that has 1-6 games installed and other cartridges can be switched out, but generally speaking most games are only going to play what they were designed to hold. There are some new multi-game systems though with several of the classics, we usually keep these in stock.
Question: Do the games run on regular house voltage?
Yes, the games run on 110V A/C current, just plug it into any standard wall socket. Arcade games generally use about as much electricity as an older model televison or a modern computer.
Question: Is it alright to leave the games turned on for long periods of time?
Yes. Remember, these games were designed to be placed in an arcade where they would be turned on sometimes for YEARS without being turned off. In general, the electronics in these games are very durable and often a 20 year old game still works perfectly even after being turned on since 1981!
Question: How do I move a game?
Nearly any arcade game will fit on it's back in a pickup truck, and many can be moved in an S.U.V. It's actually easier than you think; just wheel the game with a handtruck over to your truck, tilt it back angled onto the tailgate, and have somebody help you slide it into the bed. We makesure everything is secured inside the game making them easy to move.

Please scroll the window to the right to view our answers to our
customer's most frequently asked questions.
CALL US ANYTIME! 704-507-6170 Joey Lyons