1600 in 1 NEW Multigame $1899
All in all, it's got a TON of great games on it.
The monitor is a large 23" LCD that looks great! The joysticks are brand new and work great for the fighting games, and everything works as it should.
All of the buttons, controls, sounds, and electronics work well. The gameboard can be replaced with any other Jamma board as well.
The cabinet is Brand New on this game.
The game is set on free play, no quarters necessary! It can still accept quarters, however, if you'd prefer. -
The game sounds great! -

















This is a really cool Brand New 1600 in 1 Multigame Arcade Machine. It has 1600 different games selectable on it, like The Simpsons, WWF Superstars, Street Fighter II, Ms. Pac-Man, Progear, and many more.
Call us Anytime @ 704-507-6170